SalmonChile and AmiChile coordinate with their partner companies to donate 9 tons of food for those affected by fires in Valparaíso
Published on: 28 February 2024

The mussels and salmon were received by the “Cooks on the Move” group, who distributed food to the affected families and volunteers.

In order to make a contribution to the thousands of people affected by the fires in the Valparaíso region, the SalmonChile union joined, together with its member companies, the Association of Mitiliculturists of Chile (AmiChile) to send more than 9 tons of seafood – distributed between mussels and salmon – to feed the neighbors.

These were received by the group “Cooks on the Move”, who are in charge of 30 common pots in Viña del Mar and Quilpué, where they have distributed meals to the affected people, and also to the volunteers who have come to support.

The Director of Communities of SalmonChile, Felipe Díaz, indicated that “as a productive sector, we wanted to be present accompanying the families, making a contribution with the best of what we have, which is why together with our partner companies we harvested a large amount of salmon. We are very grateful to Australis, Marine Farm, Salmones Austral, Cermaq and Integra, who joined from the first minute with salmon, and to ASODUCAM Castro, who had a special truck for the transfer, and Frigorífico Trapén, which functioned as a pick-up point. collection in Puerto Montt.”

For her part, the head of AmiChile’s technical area, Carolina Rojas, highlighted that “we are happy to be contributing and supporting the solidarity campaign that comes from the southern regions, where our productive activities are carried out. “We support with these daily rations that they are delivering and we also thank the backbone of this support, which are the companies that are part of our association.”

At the time of the delivery in Viña del Mar, chef Mauricio Pérez from Cocineros en Movimiento and Catalina Parga from Desafío Levantemos Chile noted that “we thank all the member companies of SalmonChile for this donation they make to Cocineros en Movimiento through Desafío Levantemos Chile to help raise the entire farm, and thank all the mussel farmers who grow choritos, like Manuelita and SudMaris, so from Puerto Montt to the South, thank you very much for everything!
