*The red flag indicates the location of the cultivation center. Image: Environmental Assessment Service
The requirement before the SEA is based on the fact that the center presents good environmental performance, according to INFAs, which demonstrate the aerobic conditions of the sector.
The project presented by Salmones Pacific Star – Salmones Austral – is now in Admission before the Environmental Evaluation Service, called “Increase in biomass of the salmonid hydrobiological resources cultivation center, Center Code No. 104168, Lenca. RCA No. 140/2010».
According to what was reported, the project consists of expanding the biomass of the “Lenca” salmon fattening center, center code No. 104168, whose activity was approved by the environmental authority through RCA No. 140/2010, from 4,080 tons per year to 7,300 maximum tons per production cycle of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar).
And a harvest weight of 5kg in a maximum cycle of 15 months, contemplating the use of 2 modules, with 24 square cage rafts of 40x40x18 meters.
The project is located in an Appropriate Area for the Exercise of Aquaculture (AAA), located in the western sector of Bahía Lenca, commune of Puerto Montt. This modification is based on the fact that the center presents good environmental performance, according to the results of the environmental reports (INFAs), which show that the place maintains its aerobic conditions. Likewise, the conditions of the place are suitable for aquaculture activity, which has allowed the center to function properly.
The project only has facilities at sea since the access route is maritime, both for the transfer of personnel and for the transportation of supplies and materials, and already established navigation routes are used for this type of activities.
According to what is stated in the Environmental Impact Statement (DIA), the investment in this project corresponds to an estimated amount of US$5.5 million and the useful life is 25 years with the right to renewal.
Meanwhile, the average and maximum workforce required for the construction and operation phase will be 15 people, beginning its execution in July 2025.
Source: www.salmonexpert.cl